Monday, December 13, 2010

District Court Tour

On September 3, 2010 a group of Scouts from Troop 38 visited the district court for completion of a merit badge. Pictured here is Life Scout, Connor Linn.

Pictured here is the troop posing with Judge Gatewood.

2010 National Centennial Boy Scout Jamboree

Four Scouts from Troop 38 were fortunate enough to go to the National Centennial Jamboree this summer at Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia.

Pictured here from left to right: Justin Roland-Star Scout, Peter Linn- Scout Master, Ryan Freeman- First Class Scout, Caleb Skvaril- Life Scout, Connor Linn- Life Scout

Pictured here are the four scouts from Troop 38
that went to the Jamboree with a Japanese troop.